
Car Wash Project

Attention Fellow Leos:

We are here to inform you that we will be having an upcoming project which requires all of you to participate in:-

This upcoming project will be a car wash project for the teachers in order to raise funds.
Funds that are raised will be donated to charity.

To those of you who are interested, please give your names to Leo Soo Sheau Sze (3L) or Leo Aravind Raj (4S1) latest by next Monday.

This project will be held on:-
Date :
10th September 2009
Venue : Our school parking lot A and B
Time : 2 p.m - 5 p.m

Please bring along your :-
Old cloths
Extra change of clothes
Hose (if you have)

Yours truthfully in Leoism,
Regina Tan
Sub-editor 09/10



Contact us

Email : s4bk.leo@gmail.com
